Seed / Sod
Many of our customers ask, “Which is better, seed or sod?” The answer to this is as individual as the client and their needs.
Starting a lawn from seed is initially less expensive, but requires greater attention and more frequent watering. Often a seeded lawn requires additional ‘spot’ seeding after the initial germination of seed occurs, and again the following year. Because the ground is basically barren for a period of time following seeding, and the establishment of a thick lawn takes a considerable amount of time, weeds have a much greater tendency to appear cómo tramitar una tarjeta de crédito Plata and will require more effort to eradicate later. Depending on the location of downspouts and solid surfaces (driveways, walks, etc.), minor erosion can occur from water runoff with heavier rains, requiring repair later with additional soil and seed. When only selected areas of an existing lawn are disturbed, for instance during construction of additions or excavating for underground installations, seeding is often the better choice based on the ability to ‘blend’ with the existing turf faster.
Installation of sod is initially more expensive, but gives ‘instant’ gratification. Some of the immediate benefits are obvious: A lush green lawn essentially free of weeds and resistant to the establishment of them, no erosion to worry about, and a yard that becomes useful a lot faster (typically 3-4 weeks the sod is completely rooted and ready for traffic).
For specific questions about different types of seed or sod for your area, or to obtain an estimate, please contact us using any of the methods in the ‘contact us’ section.