Ponds / Water Features
Tree & Timber installs a wide variety of ponds and water features. We have designed and installed ponds from 150 to 400,000 gallons, and fountains ranging from simple cast concrete base & bowls to large limestone fountains and pools from England. Ponds in particular have come a long way in the last several years. Many people still think of ponds as that black ‘tub’ the neighbor put in the ground and it turned green and smelly. Today’s ponds are much lower maintenance, and much more самый древний город natural looking, adding a very unique element to the landscape. Nothing lends itself to reducing stress quite like sitting next to a pond, passing the time watching the fish swim in and out of the stones and plants, and listening to the sound of falling water. We have designed the waterfall portion of our ponds to emulate everything from rain to river rapids depending on the wishes of our customers. New technologies have made backyard ponds a pleasure to own, reducing the maintenance to a minimum, eliminating the need for constant chemical treatment, while maintaining a very naturalized environment. A properly installed pond requires less maintaining than an indoor aquarium. One last note: a pond installed with the correct equipment to circulate the water will not allow mosquitoes to breed, a very important health concern given the recent outbreaks of West Nile virus and other potential health risks these pests carry.
If you have any other questions about ponds or water features, or wish a consultation and an estimate, please contact us contact us and we’ll be happy to help you.